The Institute of Ecclesiastical Hymnody of the Metropolis of Rhodes




(Foundation in 2007)

Dean: Reverend Archimandrite Amphilochios Pikias,

Teacher Psaltique and Byzantine music

Professor at the Corelli Conservatory of Rhodes.


The Institute of Ecclesiastical Hymnody of the Metropolis of Rhodes was founded in 2007 by Metropolitan Cyril of Rhodes on the advice of Archimandrite Amphilochios Pikias, Byzantine music teacher and former opera singer, to address the needs of singers on lecterns parishes and monasteries of the local Church of the island of Rhodes and the Greek Diaspora and allophones parishes.

Classes are free and begin early October and end in June of each year. During the summer are organized singing courses and practice in Rhodes as well as abroad under the direction of Father Amphilochios and colleagues.

Institute students are subjected to a comprehensive learning program of the Greek Psaltique and in their native language. They can enroll in the Byzantine Music School of the Institute in collaboration with the Corelli Conservatory of music in Rhodes, for little cost, and thus obtain a Cantor Certificate after 4 years and a Byzantine Music Degree on Theory and Practice after 6 years recognized by Greek State. Graduates can then teach the Byzantine music in parishes, schools and conservatories.

The Institute of Ecclesiastical Hymnody of the Metropolis of Rhodes has two offices abroad, Berlin, Germany and Marseilles in France, so it communicates on the Web on its website ( http: // ) or on the website of the Metropolis of Rhodes ( ) with its students in England, Australia and United States. It even organizes theoretical and practical training sessions in the countries concerned on invitation of the parishes, monasteries or associations. The courses are totally free according to the motto of the Saints Anargyroi of our Holy Church: "You have received, freely give! ".

Here the curriculum of the Institute in its entirety:


PRACTICAL HYMNOLOGY: Learning the practice of singing religious hymns offices of Vespers, Matins, Divine Liturgy, the Octoechos, the Menaia, the Triode, Holy Week, the Pentecostarion, or the Euchologion book of priestly prayers of the Greek Church. The practice allows everyone to learn Byzantine music simply from listening.

THEORY OF BYZANTINE MUSIC: Learning Theory of Byzantine music step by step, its neumatic system and its melismatic style from the Great Ecclesiastical Music Theory of the three masters and reformers of the nineteenth century, Chrysanthos of Madytos, Chourmouzios Chartophylax and Gregory Protopsaltis.

TYPICON OR ORDO: Learning the Typikon or Ordo of the offices of the Great Church of Christ (the Ecumenical Patriarchate): a booklet is printed every year to indicate the ecclesiastical singers how they should do and recite the office each day.

HERMENEUTICS OF HYMNS: Reading, explanation and interpretation of sacred hymns on the basis of Orthodox Theology.

BYZANTINE CHOIR OF THE INSTITUTE: Given its spiritual contribution, educational and artistic, choral singing is valued, developed to allow the greatest number of faithful sing. Choir’s Institute of Ecclesiastical Hymnody of Metropolis of Rhodes, made up of all of his students, appears regularly in the panegyrics of the parishes and monasteries in the local festivals, on the air and the local TVs.

LEARNING ON THE LECTERN: The Institute of Ecclesiastical hymnody of the Metropolis of Rhodes provides general and practical training of the religious chant. The lectern of the parish is the privileged place of a specific pedagogy for learning Psaltic. Based on skills transfer by the master of Psaltic, the Prime Cantor, it offers students a practical route to acquire both theoretical and practical skills knowledge to master and understand the secret codes of the modal music, acquire the know-how indispensable in respect of Byzantine secular tradition and increase their abilities to become cantors and seasoned choir directors of cantors.

WORKSHOP SINGING CANTORAL: The Byzantine singing workshops allow beginners to learn in small groups, to cantoral vocal technique. Vocal technique and basic exploration of the different parameters of the singing voice, breathing, sound production, listening skills, style and interpretation. Practical exercises and sung parts. Directory covering the full range of hymns. Excellent for the singers and singers who want to learn about vocal technique.

WORKSHOP SINGING TRADITIONAL GREEK SONG: Greek traditional song present exceptional interest for anyone interested in the history of music. Beyond the intrinsic value of this music already very rich, its vocal style conveys expertise from the great Byzantine cantoral tradition which, coming from ancient times, crossed the centuries. So this music, through its art of ornamentation, we offer various keys to interpret the vocal repertoires of Hellenism by ages. Transmitted by oral tradition, the Greek song is still perfectly integrated into the social and religious life of the Greek people.



Our courses offer exploration of the poetic world, spiritual and musical Byzantine chant through the Greek tradition. Next to this tradition, the sacred repertoire is tackled beautiful, centuries and transmitted orally offices of the Greek Church: resurrection hymns, Despotic and Theometoric hymns, the orthodox Sanctoral cycle, the orthodox Holy Week.



Sacred songs of the Divine Liturgy, Vespers and Matins

and other minor offices


• Work on phonetics of Greek.

• Working vocal preparation based on the subject directory.

• Work on modes, melismatic.

• Learning the rhythms on Greek metrics.

• Training and approach to ornamentation for every song.

• Listening and comparative analyzes of songs from extracts.

• Adaptation of Byzantine chant into foreign languages.

• Immediate Practice on the lectern during church service of our choice.


For your information.

If you wish to register at the conservatory for a certificate of cantor or a Byzantine singing teacher diploma or an internship in France or Greece or elsewhere with a group of religious or lay person interested.

Namely courses at the conservatory in Greece and in our schedule and the courses are free, only the travel costs for teachers and the purchase of equipment such as booklets of course, USB drives or CDs are the responsibility of the group made (10 people at least).

Associations, parishes and monasteries may desire organized paying courses for the needs of their good works and their mission. The courses will be free from our teachers as an offering to Christ and his Church and for peace and repose of the souls of our deceased.

* A catechist and theologian will join us for translation and hermeneutics hymns according to the canons of the Orthodox Church.

The courses are open and free to all ages, all sexes, all Orthodox, to all Christians and to all men of goodwill who love Christ and his Church.


R. P. Archimandrite Amphilochios Pikias, Psaltic teacher, Head of the Institute of Ecclesiastical Hymnody of the Archdiocese of Rhodes and Professor of Byzantine music at Corelli Conservatory of Rhodes.

Phone: 00302241047905 and mobile phone: 00306972464693